Saturday, February 28, 2009

DePaul Homecoming: My First Formal

This photo essay is dedicated to Ching Wen Hsiao and her friends from Taiwan. DePaul Homecoming was the first and only formal they have ever attended. I was happy to be able to capture Ching Wen's process of getting ready to her sheer pleasure of being at the dance.

Ching Wen lays out her dress in her bedroom to begin getting ready. She had her dress altered to fit her perfectly and spent the entire day before shopping for the perfect accessories.

She puts on her eyeliner in her little personal mirror on her desk. She prefers to do her make-up in the privacy of her room where she can watch her favorite shows on her laptop.

Ching Wen jokes with her friend Reina in Cortelyou Commons while waiting for the Trolley to take them to Union Station where the dance is being held.

Ching Wen is only a Trolley ride away from her first dance. She is anxious and excited as she gets on the bus with her friends.

Ching Wen dances with her friends. Her friends Rita (featured left), Penny, and Reina have also never been to a formal ever. They are all enjoying the festivities.

Ching Wen gives a happy smile to the end of a great night. After a night of eating good food, laughing with friends, and dancing, she climbs the stair to get her coat and board the Trolley back to DePaul.

You can tell that the night was fun for Ching Wen and her friends. DAB once again put on a beautiful and well planned evening for students. It really was a successful and enjoyable event. DePaul online will continue to bring more stories about the night so continue to stop by for all the recaps.

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